
Showing posts from November, 2018

Adventures in moving cross country- Volume 20: Closing all the chapters

Well, we did it, we finally were able to close on the house on Halloween! Of course we had to do it in full costume! (Rainbow Brite & Rainbow Dark) This past month has been a crazy mix of intense moments and we are definitely lucky to have good counseling benefits with our insurance! We did a TON of work to get the house ready for the appraisal. The first appraisal went super well and then I had my first trip back to Oregon for work 2 days later. When I got back, it was discovered that we needed a second appraisal- just due to the house being sold for so much more than the last time it was purchased. That also went well, but we ended up having to add railings to every staircase inside (although I did try to reason that we really didn't need them as we liked falling down stairs ever so often.) Finally, everything lined up and we got the details worked out for a closing. Truthfully- if I had known how long this would end up taking and what kind of emotional toll it w