Adventures in moving cross country- Volume 11: Everything is happening too fast!

When we made the decision to move, 11 months ago, it seemed like we had all the time in the world. Now that we are 3 weeks away from Bucky and James leaving and about 5-6 weeks away from Jerome and I making the trek (with Ned, Sonar & Judar and all our worldly possessions) things are getting too real.


As our time in Eugene trickles down, every weekend day has something planned, like going away parties, yard sales, trips around the state to visit family and dates with friends. Many of our weekday evenings are already scheduled as well. Meanwhile, we have SOOO MUCH STUFF TO DO!!! James has been putting tons of stuff on Craigslist to sell and I have been going through things like clothes, bathroom stuff, pantry stuff and spices to organize and declutter. But still there is plenty of things we need to go through and clean out to be ready for a "all things must go" style yard sale.

I keep telling myself that these are mostly empty boxes- but it's so difficult to lie to me.

Beyond the stuff actually moving related, there's also been the normal house cleaning and yard work. A lovely wet spring with occasional beautiful sunny days have created quite the wild growth outside. Knowing that we'll be turning this over to another family puts extra stress on making sure that the garden is cleaned out from weeds and that all the little toys are cleaned out of the lawn. Hosting our own big going away party gives us yet another pressure to get the yard under control. 

It's like Bucky's hair before a haircut.

Getting all of our work stuff in order has been another big piece of the countdown puzzle. James has been working hard to be ahead of schedule so he can take some time off while he travels, plays derby and gets settled in with Bucky. Meanwhile my work has taken on a fever-pitch while I transition into a new position. That's a whole other blog post- not a secret but I'm still waiting for all the details to be concrete before I share it publicly. Every day is full of squeezing as much as we can out of our awake hours without losing our minds. 

Meanwhile, there are still plenty of things up in the air still. Jerome and I don't have a set date that we will drive out. We don't know how we're moving the bulk of our remaining belongings quite yet. There are multiple options. One might even include a small trailer pulled by the Prius. The biggest piece of the puzzle is our lovely washer/dryer set that we won't part with. 

We just love them so much!

We are also still waiting to see how the renovations on the house are progressing so we can set dates for the appraisal. The mortgage itself is a grinding process that keeps requiring updated documentation and my diligence in making sure that any changes (like the additional $11k that we'll need for the boiler replacement) are being communicated thoroughly.

All in all, we can take comfort in the fact that things are moving along and it will play out how it does. We've got plenty of family and friends to hang out with in Michigan if the house isn't quite ready. We both have our jobs figured out for the most part and things have been really working out in ways that make it feel like this has all been meant to be. 

Wish us luck in the next few weeks as we are truly in crunch time now! 


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